Webcasting has become a very strong method of generating sales of your content, products and services. There are a number of webcasting services out there that you can obtain accounts through such as Onstream Webinars, WebEx, Webinar, Adobe Connect, ReadyTalk, also now Periscope (which is a mobile application for liveContinue Reading

There is a serious common mistake made by salespeople during presentations that happens way too often. It involves starting right into the presentation without first establishing a few things. A presentation done properly consists of at least 4 parts. First, establish rapport and a reasonably high level of trust. Second,Continue Reading

Sales is not the evil of the world. Although many would have you believe it is. It is, instead, one of the most important skills you can have in life. Because many of the things you have to do in your life involves selling something in one way or another.Continue Reading

Salespeople are often challenged by not closing the sale and not collecting leads. This challenge is compounded when store traffic is low. Small businesses are faced with high local competition, and increased internet sellers. When you do have a qualified buyer it is imperative you close the sale and doContinue Reading